Our portfolio

Our company provides high-quality products together with wide range of application, technological and technical services. We are able to respond flexibly to specific customer requirements in order to build long-term relationship based on professional approach.
Our specialists with large practical experience in production, quality monitoring, analytical chemistry and food-processing technologies are willing to advice and support our customers.

Laboratory Instruments

We offer a complete range of laboratory instruments for quality control of grain, feed and food processing including dairy, beverage, flour milling and baking industry.

We also supply research, teaching and R&D equipment to schools, universities and research institutes.

The instrument sale is supported by experienced service department, demonstration and application laboratory as well as by qualified sales engineers experienced in analytical chemistry and quality control.

Food Ingredients

For our customers in dairy, wine and meat industry we provide a wide range of food ingredients - enzymes, cultures, yeasts, nutrients, tannins including specific products as alergen-free or GMO free.

We represent leading global suppliers - DSM and Lallemand for dairy products, Oenobrands and Vason for winemaking industry. 

Our experienced technologists in Czech Republic and Slovakia are working closely with our customers  to support their manufacturing process. 

Technological Equipment

Our technological equipment range is mainly focused on wine making and beverage industry.

We are pleased that we can support the success of Czech and Slovak wineries by offering of Scharfenberger presses, Costral filling lines, Juclas oenological equipment and others. We ephasize on the high quality of products, which have to be a reliable manufacturing tool for our customers. 

The technical servising of all machines is ensured by our experienced and trained technicians.

Veterinary Diagnostics

The range of veterinary diagnostic kits for infectious animals diseases provide fast, simple and cost effective diagnosis. We offer diagnostics kits and reagents for rapid diagnostic of viral, bacterial and parasitic patogens. Kits are designed for farm animals testing in accredited laboratories. For small and private labs we offer wide range of rapid chromatographic tests for pets.

Our company developed own ELISA test for rabies virus antibody detection in serum or plasma of domesticated and wild animals, witch is distributed worldwide. For more information visit our web site www.rabieselisa.com and learn more about our BioPro Rabies ELISA Ab kit.

Food Safety

Our portfolio for food safety is very large. The range includes diagnostic reagents, diagnostics kits for mycotoxins, allergens, cultivation and chromogenic microbiological methods.

We offer also a wide range of rapid methods: chromogenic media, instruments based on different methods – such as ELISA, mononuclear, cytometry, PCR...

For laboratory equipment we provide a compleate line of instruments for sample preparation, inoculation and incubation.

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SIOT Trade s.r.o. 
memeber of 
O.K. SERVIS BioPro group

supplier of laboratory glassware, consumables and
comprehensive labware

© 2025 O.K. SERVIS BioPro, s.r.o.