Our services

Services are a inseparable part of our products. All instruments and devices are provided with pre- and after sales technical support and we accompany our clients in their laboratory measurements with regular inter-laboratory trials and application service. The knowledge and experience of our specialists are fully at client´s disposal for further technological process development.

Inter-laboratory trial comparison

The preparation and organisation of inter-laboratory trial comparison (ring trials) is an area in which our company has many years of tradition. The aim is to provide those participating with an independent and objective comparison of the results of their laboratory with those of other laboratories. Inter-laboratory trial comparison is an appropriate and popular tool that is employed when checking and verifying the quality of laboratory measurements within the bounds of the ISO 9000 standard.

We conduct various types of ring trials: NIR for cereals and oil crops, determining the falling number in cereals and alveo tests for users of rheological instruments.

We participate in the inter-laboratory trial comparison organised by the international company Bipea and the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture for checking the quality of results of flour and feed analyses.

Application support

NIRSERVIS is a service that we provide as part of our application and calibration support for NIR analysers. The NIR method has become part of the quality control system of food and feed in many sectors and it is now a standard operating method. NIR systems require continual monitoring and validation supervision, which we provide to our customers as a part of this service.

The measurement controls, adjustments to instrument settings, development of software applications and professional support and recommendations that we provide all lead to stabilisation of the results of measurement and provide users with the certainty of accurate results.

Our many years of experience provide customers with a guarantee of quality services. In terms of other application and calibration services, we develop new applications for other laboratory instruments and equipment which we sell and support.

Technical servicing

We are aware that technical support and servicing are an integral part of buying any product. Our team of experienced servicing technicians is therefore ready to deal with all servicing requirements, either at the customer’s premises or in our well-equipped modern workshops.

All products that we supply undergo an entry inspection, when we check the functionality of the equipment. Our technician or technical specialist installs the equipment and the customer is familiarised with new instruments or machinery during introductory training. Our technicians are trained by specialists from the manufacturers of the relevant products and deal with all problems themselves, or with the support of the manufacturers, without delay. The many years of experience that our technicians have under their belts provide our customers with the guarantee of a fast and effective solution.

In terms of technical servicing we provide warranty, post-warranty and preventative servicing, the validation of instruments and equipment and orders of spare parts.

Technological and Technical Support

Our solutions are not simply about the product itself. Our experts provide their specialised technical knowledge, thanks to which they are able to accompany the customer on his journey from idea, desire or need to a robust, comprehensive solution that best suits his needs and possibilities.

We also use the practical experience of our sales representatives in the relevant areas in the technological support of production. Whether in the processing of milk or in the production of wine, we are able to advise customers and assist in testing and evaluation of the results of technological tests. We also pass on the very latest knowledge of research and development and experience from other countries, with the active support of our suppliers.

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SIOT Trade s.r.o. 
memeber of 
O.K. SERVIS BioPro group

supplier of laboratory glassware, consumables and
comprehensive labware

© 2025 O.K. SERVIS BioPro, s.r.o.